Sunday, 3 March 2013


Career development programs can be sponsored by an employer or by an outside company, including a job placement agency or trade school. These programs are meant to increase the awareness of new policies and procedures for a certain job sector. Many of these programs offer a certificate of completion, which enables the employee to present proof of completion to prospective employers. These certificates can also be displayed by a business to show up to date training.


Career development programs can be costly if employees from multiple locations have to meet at a central location. However, there is a way to get around this cost. You can hold career development meetings using virtual programs or conference call.

Loss of Productivity:

When your employees are participating in a career development program, they aren't working. This can mean a decrease in production on the days of the program. While this may not be a problem in some sectors, others such as manufacturing, usually can't afford the lag in production..


Having your employees participate in a career development program may make them more desirable to your competitors. This may lead to the employee leaving your company and using the training you provided to help your competition.

Time Frame:

While many career development programs are a good idea, there are some instances where employees may know all of the information that is presented in the program. This makes the program a waste of time and money.

Problem Solving:

A career development program won't solve all of the problems you have in your company. Some problems, such as tardiness and laziness, may only be fully addressed by staffing changes.